Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Miscellanous Pictures of Jayden

Jayden's One Year Old Picture...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!Jayden's Fall Picture!Jayden's Halloween Picture!! Jayden's Christmas Picture!!


Sondra said...

That Halloween picture is so very adorable. I love that Christmas one too. Her expression is priceless. Sandy had a really fun time in PA. He really did enjoy himself, but then again he doesn't get out much! LOL!

Sondra said...

Why are you not posting anymore? You were right about Sandy having a fit about the car wreck. You know, the same old stuff about the boys needing to be responsible, pay their own insurance, on and on....LOL! I have considered taking Aaron to a chiropractor.I am sure it would help him a lot. His diet also has a lot to do with it but he just won't listen to that. You know High is selling Beacon Ridge so I am worried about us losing our medical insurance. I would hate to get Aaron started on migraine treatment at a chiropractor and then just have to stop. Ugh,I am so ticked off about the fact that he may lose his job and insurance.