Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

Jayden putting the top back on the pumpkin after we carved it! Then she had to give it a kiss because she loved it so much! Jayden & Chloe Grace!Ben, Jayden & Ashton

Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

Yesterday, we celebrated both Ben's dad & grandmother's birthdays with a huge cookout & karoking. Jayden & her Pa (Ben's dad, Ricky)
Ricky singing. Ricky has his own Karoke Business that he runs on the weekends.

Pappa Ben (with whom Ben is named after), Mama Hazel (Happy Birthday), Ben & Jayden

Jayden hanging out with John Michael & Daddy. Jayden loves John Michael so much, he is the only person she will sit with for as long as he will let her.

Jayden dancing while Pappa Ben sings.
Something you might not know about the Bryant family....most are extremely musically inclined. Pappa Ben released an album which played on country radio stations all over some many years ago. Ricky, Ben's dad, grew up with Aaron Tippin and was in the original band prior to settling down to start a family.
As most of you know, my family continue to reside in England, so growing up was hard for me, especially during the holidays. Celebrating my first Christmas with Ben's family, I was amazed to sit in Mama Hazel's back room while Papa Ben & Ricky played the guitar and sang. It was the true sense of country living where family and fellowship come first among all others. As years have gone by, this tradition has faded as families grow larger and people grow older, but it will be a memory I will hold dear to my heart.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Family Fun

Sorry I am a little late on posting this pictures. This family day, we decided to take Jayden to Lake Cunningham in Greer, which incidently is where Ben proposed to me 7 years ago!! We walked down the pier only to find very little water and lots of mud. Jayden was upset that there were no "ack, ack" (ducks) to feed. Feeding the ducks have become one of her obessions since we returned from the beach!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Jayden's trip to the hospital!

It always seems that when Jayden gets her booboos, Ben's at work and I'm all alone! Tonight a glass door fell on Jayden as we were leaving to take Ben his dinner. I caught the glass so it wouldn't break on us, but Jayden got cut my the metal framing. I thought she had broken fingers too. I wasn't in any shape to drive her to the hospital so I scooped her up and ran to a neighbors I have known all my life. She helped calm me and look after Jayden until my mom could get there. I am so thankful to all that helped! My mom, Lindsey (our neighbor) and the staff at Exigent on Wade Hampton. The doctors took Jayden back immediately, took x-rays, gave her toys and calmed me down. Parenthood is so hard when your little one is hurt and you just can't make it better! I would take every bump and bruise if that meant she would never be in harm! But thankfully Jayden had no broken bones, just a nasty cut on her palm and between her thumb and pointer finger. I have cleaned it up, bandaged it and gave her motrin for the pain. The doctor said she would be sore for a few days. I know that kids get hurt, break bones and cry...but where in the parent handbook does it tell you how to not feel like your heart is ripped out when it happens??